Trader Joe’s Reusable Grocery Tote Bag from Rhode Island


Exotic Trader Joe’s Bag! 6 Gallon Polypropylene Reusable Grocery Bag. Perfect gift!

12 in stock


Say no to plastic bags in style with these cool Rhode Island Trader Joe’s reusable bags 

Rhode Island’s Souvenir Bag has so many memories! Can you name all the popular locations on Rhode Island’s bag? There’s the Breakers Building, the Newport Bridge, Point Judith Lighthouse, and Block Island. Of course, you can’t have something for Rhode Island without mentioning coffee milk, the state drink! What else can you find?

Rhode Island’s bag features: 

  • Coffee 
  • Milk
  • The Breakers Building
  • Artichoke
  • Newport Bridge
  • Point Judith Lighthouse
  • Sailboat 
  • The Map of Block Island (find a float!)
  • Cliff swallows 
  • Airplane
  • Wraparound design on front, back and sides!

More features:

  • Trader Joe’s quality and caché
  • Fun ((STATE NAME)) design full of inside jokes
  • All of your favorite memories from ((STATE NAME)) featured on all 5 sides of this bag.
  • Great 6 gallon capacity to replace lots of icky plastic bags each trip!
  • 11.75W x 16.25H side with 12 X 7 base (normal reusable bag size)
  • Strong polypropylene keeps its good looks
  • Sturdy enough to carry your objects for years
  • I’ve had mine for years and I love it. It loves me back by reliably doing its job. 

But grocery bags are free and easy! Maybe but have you ever seen a plastic grocery bag caught in a tree? Did you know that turtles’ teeth face downward so they can’t change their mind once they discover the tasty jellyfish they thought they were tasting is actually a grocery bag that will ruin their life? Free and easy is rarely free and easy.


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