When we were on Kauai, someone recommended we go to Queens Bath. They drew a map how to get there.
We drove into a housing development and we saw where there was space to park. There was no sign or anything.
There were a few other cars there and a muddy trail going straight down.

It was overgrown and washed out. It’s a good thing I was wearing shoes for a change. There is no way I could have made it in flipflops.

The trail was steep and full of rocks and roots. It was more like scrambling down a steep washed out gully than a real path.

There was a beautiful waterfall on the right.

When we got to the bottom, we walked across lava rock and scrambled up rocks.

Unexpected Large Waves Will Knock You Off Rocks & Sweep You Out To Sea!
There was a sign warning us how many people had died there. We figured that had to be an exaggeration or daredevil kids and tourist idiots. Later we found out that was really true. Maybe not that many, but people really do get washed out to sea when waves grab them. Even at the nice placid seeming area we were. We were the tourist idiots.
Nearly everything Cliff says on this video turns out to be completely wrong. That is not Queen’s Bath. It is the pool before it. This is actually the good time of the year. The waves are much higher in the Winter… The water was not cold…

See the guy on top of the rocks? Queens Bath is over there.

First we passed this pool. It was open to the ocean and full of sea turtles. The video is short, but you can see a couple of sea turtles.

You keep going over the lava flows.

Queens Bath was filled with tropical fish. Cliff swam and I sat on one of the shelves.

I was a little freaked out by the fish. At home, if you swim in a lake, fish will nibble you. And I have been tasted by fish in the Atlantic. These fish had no interest in me at all. They just swam around completely ignoring me.

The fish were beautiful. Like the colorful tropical fish in a saltwater aquarium. The air was hot and the water was perfect.

The entire area was absolutely incredible.

Then we saw these kids. They have to be local. There is no other way they could be so comfortable in the water. This is the same pool we watched the sea turtles in.

They wait until a wave rushes in and the rocks are covered deep enough, then they jump, dive or flip into the waves. They wait till the wave rushes in again to push them up high enough to scramble back out.

Local kids were showing off for each other here. They were diving and flipping into the water. Then when the next wave pushed them up high enough, they could scramble back out and do it again.
This video is pretty crummy, it is with the old underwater camera and he is zoomed in, but WOW!
You can see how incredibly rough the waves are!

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