We love the Sunset Terrace at the Grove Park Inn as a special occasion place. Dress is casual. The food is something special. And the Inn is a big part of local history.

The Grove Park Inn is off Charlotte Street in Asheville. There are signs, so you won’t miss it.

You can park yourself or valet. Staff is dressed in historic costumes. You can park as soon as you pull in on the right. Parking is free, at least yesterday, sometimes it hasn’t been. If there is no parking in the first little lot, the valets can direct you more parking. Cliff dropped me at the door and drove down to another lot.

You can call and make reservations, even as you drive to the restaurant: (800) 438-5800.

We had a reservation, but even if you don’t, waiting is really pleasant. The huge lobby is full of chairs.

There is live music and you can have a drink while you wait.

This is the view. You can watch the sun set over the mountains from here. (Hence the name.) The view is really beautiful. When you call for reservations, they can tell you when sunset is and you can make your reservations to see it, if you want.
Even though you are eating outside, they manage the air temperature. It was noticeably cooler on the terrace than off.
The menu doesn’t have a lot of options, but leaves plenty of choices. I ordered Seared Diver Scallops. They came with “black lentils / rutabaga / chanterelles / blood orange / frisée,” which didn’t sound appealing and almost put me off. But I decided to try something new. Cliff ordered some kind of beef and potatoes.
They serve biscuits with honey and butter before the meal. If you ask they will give you more.

My scallops were really delicious.

Cliff’s beef and potatoes were delicious, too. I helped him eat it. (I am very helpful that way.) The portions are just big enough.

Afterward, they brought us a little Anniversary dessert. They are French Macarons . The “card” is milk chocolate and tasted like a Hershey’s bar.

We were wandering around after dinner. I knew there is an elevator in the fireplace, but I had never seen it open before. I stopped to take a photo and the Elevatress offered us a tour.
Which was wonderful and will be another post.
Yes, she is an Elevatress. She told us so.
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